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The majority of people struggle with dandruff. It is a typical scalp disorder or skin condition that results in dry, dead skin flakes that are white, grey, or both appearing on the scalp or in the hair. Teenagers are most commonly affected, which lowers the aesthetic value and frequently causes irritation.

Talking about The term “split ends” describes the fraying or splitting of the hair shaft.

Science behind Dandruff and Split end

Your skin, particularly the skin on your scalp, is regularly shed and replaced. When you take a bath, your dead skin is cleaned away, and your clothes rub it off. It is taken from your scalp when you shampoo, brush your hair, or both, so you normally aren’t aware of it. When there is an imbalance of germs on your scalp or if you don’t wash your hair frequently enough, you will notice that your scalp is shedding skin. Millions of microorganisms, often known as bacteria, germs, or “skin flora,” are present on every square inch of our skin. Sweat and sebum (oil secreted under the scalp), two skin secretions, often create a barrier that stops bacteria from growing on your scalp. Dandruff on the other hand is caused due to excessive secretion of sebum, an oily substance secreted to help moisturize and protect skin. This sebum makes hair oily and the excess oil can clump together, irritating the scalp.


Daily wear and tear can leave your hair prone to damage. Your hair might weaken and lose its protective covering at the ends, which are also the oldest part of the hair shaft. This can lead to the hair splitting open and exposing the inner cortex. While Dandruff is caused due to several reasons such as dry or irritated skin, sensitivity of scalp, oily scalp but among all of this, the most common cause is Seborrheic Dermatitis.


The ultimate cure for Dandruff & Split end is following a proper hair care routine. We at Melmaa are ready to assist you if you’re looking for a safe, natural solution to handle the issue. Melmaa is 100% herbal based company making products with natural ingredients. Melmaa’s hair care range is known to be working best with every skin type. For Split ends and Dandruff Melmaa provides a range of oil products to nourish and repair your hair.

  • Melmaa 3 in 1 Hair oil, is a one-stop solution for all your Hair problems, instead of using multiple hair oils for multiple hair problems and confusing yourself about the right treatment of hair problems. Melmaa 3 in 1 Hair oil relieves dandruff and itchy scalp, reduces hair loss, and encourages hair follicle growth by keeping moisture in hair. It is enriched with only natural components such as Haritaki, Amla, Aloe vera.
  • Melmaa’s Anti-Dandruff Oil works best for people facing dandruff issues it is made with richness of tea tree oil and rosemary oil. It actively reduces dandruff while reviving your hair and nourishes your scalp.

Following the hair care routine with melmaa’s oil range one can see an unbelievably amazing results and get rid of problems like dandruff and split end.