Soft,velvety and plump lips are attractive to everyone’s eyes.Eveyone have get this desire to have fullet,soft and pouty lips when we see those gorgeous actresses on scrern with those wonderful lips.It’s amazing to discover that even a single facial feature can have potential tp change the look of your face.Along with eyes,nose and eyebrows,our lips plays an important role to balance our facial aesthetic appearance as well as symmetry.

Thus,who doesn’t have the desire to get pink soft and glossy lips?                                               Most people think that they need expensive products to maintain beautiful lips but that’s not true,it’s more about choosing right for your lips and yes also the much needed consistency to get best out of your efforts!       It’s much simpler and easier to achieve great,plump and baby soft lips if we take care of it.Your lips deserve the best because it’s like an investment you do and it’s going to return you with favourable outcomes.

why do we need to take care of our lips?

Lips being one of the most important feature of human face helps in phonation,holding food.Besides,attractiveness and also adding to your overall beauty,lips tend to do it all.     Hence,we need to give our lips much needed attention and care.

Our lips get exposed to external environment,allergens,extreme weather conditions,dust and other pollutants.UV rays also have the drastic effect on lips as it can cause lip pigmentation and other lip ailments.As a result of all these factors our lips start to become dull,chapped,rough and even pigmented witj dark brown or purple hue.The fact that lips are in direct contact and the skin of lips being very sensitive, makes it more prone to drying,chapping and uneveness.

Lip darkening and Lip chapping :

Lip darkening:-

Lip darkening or lip pigmentation is a common issue for many problems.It is characterised by uneveness of lip texture and colour with dark brown or purple hue on lips.sometimes some people have pigmentation as an outline surrounding the area of whole lips.These make lips look uneven and unattractive and can even affect the person’s confidence level.As our smile being the first thing mostly people notice and a good smile accompanied by baby soft,lushy lips just make our smile 10× times more attractive.Hence,this problem of darkening and hyperpigmentation must be treated at the right time.Let’s first have a look through all the possible causes of lip pigmentation.


•Exposure to sun



•allergic reactions to lip products and toothpaste and other allergens of surroundings in contact to lips

•too much caffeine

•sucking and picking lips

Some other cayses such as medications,existing medical condition or vitamin deficiency may also cause lip darkening.Before you try to find a treatment on your own,consult a professional to know the root cause of the pigmentation because though lip pigmentation is very common,it can have underlying serious causes which we cannot examine on our own.

Lip chapping/dry lips(cheilitis)

Dry chapped lips are not a very new problem.It occurs often once in a while specially during winters.Experiencing dry and scaly lip issue is more common during winters than any season though it can still occur at any time of the year and to any age group.The main cause associated with dryness is mainly dehydration.Chapped lips medically known as cheilitis is characterized by dry and tight lips with peeling or scaling off of lip skin.It can even cause some kind of mild pain.Our lip skin is much more sensitive than our facial skin needs more extensive gentle care.


Along with extreme cold weather other possible causes of chappening lips can be:-


•Hot or very hot dry weather

•contact to allergens

•frequently licking or sucking lips

•existing medical conditions and oral medications

•deficiency of nutrients,vitamins etc.

Treatment and care:

Treatment for lip pigmentation and dryness is to be done at the earliest to prevent further adverse lip ailments.Thus,taking consistent care and following some few simple steps can prevent the occurence of these issues.It’s always good to take preacutions before hand as once the conditions appear it can take longer period of time to heal and come back to normal state.

Here are some few simple yet effective tips and steps to follow on daily basis to maintain healthy lips:-

Lipcare routine

A simple but effective lipcare routine  designed for you is important to inculcate in your daily beauty routine.An effective lip routine consists of 3 mandatory steps;hydrate,exfoliate,moisturize.

Melmaa’s lip care combo is a perfect option to go for if you’re looking for a daily lip care routine to add in your regimen.

The combo consists of 3 products specically designed to perform the core functions of any lip care routine concerned;hydrate(rose water),lip mask(exfoliate),melmaa’s lip balm(moisturize).

These products are formulated with all herbal ingredients and the lip balm being fragnance free makes it best suitable for almost everyone.

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This is the most important step of any lip care routine to follow.To keep your lips hydrated try to drink atleast 8 to 10 glasses of water on daily basis.Hydration has a direct effect on appearance and texture of our lips.Hydrating lip gels and lotions are also available in market.Hydrating your lips will prevent dryness and chapping.

Stop picking or sucking your lips now!

We often by reflex have this habit of licking or sucking lips.sometimes we tend to even pick over the dry peeling skin by rubbing which can cause trauma to our lips.Lip licking can directly dry out your lips causing scaling and rough texture eventually.

•Protect lips from harmful rays of sun and uv rays

We are not new to this fact that harmful uv rays have the potential to cause uneveness and darkening in our lips.sometimes exposure to these rays can cause serious ailments related to lips whuch may require treatment of professional thus we need to protect it as protection is always better than cure.Using lip balms with spf for the day will definitely help you with providing much needed lip protection.

Avoid smoking if you are prone to lip darkening or chapping

One of the reasons of lip unattractiveness caused by uneveness has been found to be associated with consistent smoking habits.Studies have shown that people who had smoking habits were much more prone to lip pigmentation and ailments.Thus avoid smoking if you’re one of them who constantly suffers from uneven lips and unhealthy lips.

following these simple steps with consistent daily lip care routine can effectively give you baby soft,plump and healthy looking lips.