The skin on the neck is prone to darkening whether due to hormones , sun exposure or other skin related conditions . A person whose neck darkens to turns black may also notice changes to the texture of their such as thickening or feeling  softer than the other surrounding skin.

While most causes of a black neck are not medical emergencies it is always best to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis .


Acanthosis nigricans can cause dark, thick skin on the neck.

Acanthosis nigricans

*Acanthosis nigricans can cause dark, thick skin on the neck. The skin may have a similar texture to velvet.

This condition can appear suddenly, but it is not contagious nor does it present a danger to a person’s health.

*Dermatitis neglecta

Dermatitis neglecta is a skin condition that occurs when a person has a buildup of dead skin cells, oil, sweat, and bacteria on their skin. The buildup of debris causes discoloration and skin plaques.

The neck is a common place for dermatitis neglecta to develop, often because of insufficient cleansing with soap, water, and friction to remove excess skin cells.

*High blood insulin levels

When a person has chronically high insulin levels, they can experience areas of hyperpigmentation on the neck, especially on the back of the neck. This occurrence is common in women who have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

*Lichen planus pigmentosus (LPP)

LPP is an inflammatory condition that causes scarring to develop on areas of the body. Symptoms include grey-brown to black patches on the face and neck. The patches are not itchy.


A doctor will diagnose the cause of a black neck by asking a person about their medical history or any recent changes to medications or lifestyle habits such as sun exposure .

They will visually impact the neck and may refers to person to a dermatologist if the cause is not clear

A doctor may also perform some of the following test to determine a potential underlying cause:

  • Blood tests: A test may be carried out for blood sugar or hormone levels.
  • Skin sample: A skin scraping or biopsy may be done to determine if fungal cells are present.


Once a doctor determines the cause of black neck, they will recommend condition-specific solutions.

Treatments for each of the above condition may include:

  • Tinea versicolor: A doctor will usually treat fungal infections with antifungal ointments that can be applied to the skin. Severe cases may require oral anti-fungal medications.
  • Dermatitis neglectans: Scrubbing with soap and water can often reduce the appearance of a black neck from dermatitis neglectans. A person may wish to soak the neck in a bath or apply a hot compress to loosen stubborn debris.
  • Acanthosis nigricans: While there are skin-lightening creams and scrubs that promise to reduce skin darkening associated with acanthosis nigricans, these are usually ineffective. Addressing the underlying causes may help, such as managing blood sugar levels and losing weight.
  • Hyperpigmentation: Treatment for hyperpigmentation may include topical tretinoin, a form of retinoic acid that encourages skin cell turnover. Laser therapies may also help to reduce the incidence of hyperpigmentation.


Apple cider vinegar for dark neck

Apple cider vinegar tends to balance the pH level of the skin. The presence of malic acid removes dead skin cells and gives your skin a natural glow.

How to use: Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and four tablespoons of water and mix them well. Next, take a cotton ball, dip it in the solution and apply it around your neck. Leave it on for ten minutes and rinse it off with water. For the best results, you can do this every day.

Baking soda for dark neck

If you want to get rid of dead skin cells then baking soda can work as a wonder ingredient. Baking soda is very helpful in removing dirt and nourishing your skin from within.

How to use: You need to mix two to three tablespoons of baking soda with water to form a smooth paste. Apply it to the affected area and leave it on for a few minutes. Once it dries, use wet fingers to scrub it off and then rinse with water. You can repeat this every day to see the desired results. Don’t forget to moisturize after using baking soda.

  • washing the skin with soap and water twice daily
  • using exfoliating scrubs to help get rid of dead skin
  • applying sunscreen daily
  • eating a healthful diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables

You can also try our Melmaa Neck Brightening cream which consists of walnut shell , shea butter , liquorice and vitamin C extract .

Melmaa Neck Brightening Cream

No more applying of foundation on the neck to cover the pigmentation around the neck area. Give a try with Melmaa Neck Brightening Pack which is completely harmless to your skin which wouldn’t bleach the skin with harmful chemicals but instead treats it from the roots.

Our Melmaa Neck Brightening cream is made up with premium quality Herbs that do not harm your skin not even 1% more than 2000 plus Beautations Trusted and recommend to 1Lakh plus Clients

Benefits for your skin :

  • Reduces Pigmentation and Lightens Skin Tone.
  • Treats Dark spots on skin
  • Removes Dead Skin cells
  • Hydrates and Moisturizes skin
  • 100% Chemical Free

How to use : ?

Clean your Neck area with Melmaa Rose water and apply Melmaa Neck Brightening Pack on the affected area and leave it overnight and clean it with normal water.

Use daily for better results. We can see visible results in 4 -6 weeks.

Respecting our core values all the products are cruelty free they are in the purest form and has ecofriendly packaging . Hand crafted with love .

For more details visit