Get tired from weird looking skins, pimples  and acnes and want to recover from it and want to look beautiful with your original skin .what does one understand about acne and pimples skin .

Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, neck and other body parts .Pimples happen when pores become clogged with sebum and dead skin. Sometimes this leads to infection and inflammation. Different weather condition like summer, sunny an dry weather and different skin types may lead to acne as well as pimples on skin. Pimple face mask are used to fight skin inflammation by clogging pores and delivering dirt caught in the skin and alovera gel is used as a cleanser and it will also boost blood flow in our skin and killing off the harmful bacteria .

Apart from applying the gel and face mask we can also used several steps to minimise the cause and effects if acnes and pimples , keep the below steps in mind

*Properly wash your face

Pimple can appear anywhere on the skin but they mostly occur on face because skin microbe is complex sceintists have identified a bacteria called propinobacterium acnes that can cause cane breakouts .so to avoid that wash your face regularly in several intervals of time .

*Use of moisturizer

Its help your skin hydrated which makes a big difference for cane prone skin . If your skin got dru=y it will produce oil to counterbalance the dryness on your face and excess of sebum can cause more pimples.

*stay hydrated

If you are dehydrated our body may signal to skin oil gland and which may produce ore oils . Dehydration leads to occurring of skin dull appearance and promotes inflammation and discolouration.

*limit makeup

If you do not want to remove makeup from your daily routine then try to opt for foundation or concealer that noncomedogenic and fragrance free . Be surely to gently wash your makeup face before going to bed .

*try not to touch your face agin and again

Touching your face again and again can transfer bacteria and those pore clogging impurities onto your skin .It’s tough to avoid touching your face but try to pay attention to how often you touch your face and stop yourself in the act as much as possible.

*limit sun exposure

Catching some rays may dry out pimples in short term . Frequent going under skin may cause dehydrates skin which over times it to produce more oil and block pores. It can be minimise by applying sunscreen cream which help to protect your skin year round .

*avoid certain foods

Some of the common culprits foods for skin acne are

Processed foods

Diary products


Refined sugars

Reducing the intake of such kind of these foods and adoption anti acne diet  may reduce the acne cause.

You are doing everything right and still you can not heal . Then check this post .it may be some help to you.


Melmaa pimple treatment products doesn’t only treat the pimples on your skin which are visible but treats the pimple formation from the inside of your skin which would in turn result in less growth of pimples for the very next few months.

How to use :

Step 1 : Clean your face with Melmaa Rose Water or Normal Water.

Step 2 : Take an ample amount of Melmaa Pimple Face Pack powder and mix it with Melmaa Rose water and apply all over the face and leave at least for 20 to 30 minutes and wash off your face with normal water and pat dry.

 Benefits :

1.Regulates sebum production

2.Helps prevent acne breakouts.

3.Cleanses dead skin cells and removes dirt.

4.Retains the moisture and Soothes itch and redness of the skin

5.Removes excess oil, cleanses the pores.

6.Reduces the occurrence of acne and pimples. 

7.Reduces inflammation or swelling caused by acne .

8.100 % Herbal Products


Melmaa Pimple Gel is a complete package of pimple and acne treatment which would help in treating pimples and acne with its antibacterial ingredients like aloevera extract ,neem , Kasturi turmeric and its chemical free nature would never harm your skin and instead hydrates your skin by retaining its moisture. 

Melmaa pimple treatment products doesn’t only treat the pimples on your skin which are visible but treats the pimple formation from the inside of your skin which would in turn result in less growth of pimples for the very next few months.

 Benefits :

1.Regulates sebum production

2.Helps prevent acne breakouts.

3.Cleanses dead skin cells and removes dirt.

4.Retains the moisture and Soothes itch and redness of the skin

5.Removes excess oil, cleanses the pores.

6.Reduces the occurrence of acne and pimples. 

7.Reduces inflammation or swelling caused by acne 

8.100 % Herbal Products


 How to use ?

Step 1 : Clean your face with Melmaa Rose Water or Normal Water.

Step 2 : Take an ample amount of Melmaa Pimple Gel and apply it over your face and leave it for 2-3 hours or over a night. Pimple gel can be used twice a day. 

Apply at least once a day . Yields best results when applied before bed and when used twice a day.

Our company also provides a pimple care combo pack which consists of pimple face mask , aloevera pimple gel and rose water at and effective price.

Respecting our core values all the products are cruelty free they are in the purest form and has ecofriendly packaging . Hand crafted with love .

For more details visit