Pimples are very common in teenage during that hormones got overeactive. As a result pimples mostly occur in the teenage years.

There are many sebaceous glands in the skin and these glands especially found in shoulders, face, chest and on the back. This is why most teenager’s pimples grow in face, chest, shoulders and back. The main reason of getting pimples is not taking proper care of the skin. When oil glands of the skin got infected pores filled with pus known as spots. pimples are part of Acne pimple mostly grow in puberty but they can occur in any age. The condition of the skin is responsible for pimples and Acne. Most commonly pimples are connected with Whiteheads and blackheads. One of the most important reason for growing pimples are junk food such as Burger, pizza, cold drink etc.

If you have pimples do not pop this will allow more dirt, oil, bacteria into the pore and this lead pimple to its worst condition. Wash your face atleast Two times day with pimple specialized face wash with soft hands. Over-the-counter skin cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can be applied to affected areas to help the pimples clear.If your pimples turned into pustule or papules. Then you should get in touch with Dermatologist ( specialized in Acne and pimples) because this type of Acne can’t be treated by own.Whitehead is that type of Acne that hasn’t swollen. Whiteheads occur when skin cell oil and bacteria merged up they create white tip and looks like a small pimple. Blackheads are also not swallon, they occur when the plug that clogs the pore sits at the top surface of the skin. This plug isn’t necessarily black, blackheads are not occurred by dirt stuck in pores. Both Blackheads and Whiteheads are occur by clogged pores they can be treated similarly. Look for the products that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl, peroxide. This will helps to improve skin and remove dead skin cells and oil that clogged pores.

Papules makes skin very rough and hard to touch, pustules looks more like Whitehead filled with yellow pus. Blocked pores lead to bigger infection called nodule. Nodules are very painful they sit deep in the skin. Cysts are bigger like nodules but cysts filled with pus and they are soft. These type of Acne are difficult to treat. The best option is to contact with dermatologist. They are Specilallized in treating pimples and Acne. There are Three layers of skin Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis. Epidermis is top layer skin which you can touch and see and this layer act like protective barrier it protect from bacteria, sun and other elements. The dermis Layer is the middle skin layer and this makes skin thick oil glands and keeps the skin soft and smooth. Dermis tell you when something is hot to touch. Hypodermis is the fat layer, this layer protect bones and muscles from injuries and accident. The thickness in the hypodermis keeps you from too cold or hot. Most company do is they cure from outside of the skin not from the inside of the skin.

What Melma do is they cure from inside.

Melmaa Pimple and Acne care Combo

After using Melma pimple and Acne care combo products all your pimple and Acne will be reduced with in a month and we can assure you will not get pimple and Acne problems for next 3-6 months because Melma solve problems from inside.Melma has 3 products of pimple care. First one is pimple and Acne pack this removes the Acne from the roots and this will give you advantage in long run. Second one is Alovera Pimple gel this is also a proper natural gel, this gel removes the dead skin cells and pimple from your skin. And the Third one is Rose water , this removes your skin irritation and makes the skin soft and removes the redness from the skin. Visit: WWW.MELMAA.COM