Who among us is not excited to accomplish our very pre-planned summer goals.Be it a summer trip,summer glow up or a “new season new me” resolution we all seem to have atleast one of these all.With this excitement comes up taking extra care and pampering for skin.specially all those oily skin beauties who struggles to wash and use blotting powder whole day long to remove that greasy and excessive shine because of oil secreated by skin.

No wonder why oily skin is called as one of the woes of summer season.Having oily skin can be irritating specially during summers because it is backed by numerous skin problems like acne,clogged pores,comedones,greasy shiny skin and enlarged pores.

What it feels like to have oily skin ?

Oil adsorbed all across the skin’s surface mostly around cheeks and forehead accompanied by grease, enlarged pores and that grease which is much exhausting.No matter where you are,an event,outing or party these woes come up with you.Even Washing face multiple times and using blotting powder doesn’t help.What can we do to tackle these problems?

Before answering this question let’s dive deep into some most common problems and causes of having oily skin.

Some most common issues of having oily skin :-

We all have pores in our skin and underneath those pores are sebaceous glands which secret natural oils to keep our skin healthy and hydrated.These pores are the openings of hair follicles Which allow sweat and oil to escape from skin.Oily skin happens when the sebaceous glands in the skin make too much of sebum. Sebum is a waxy, oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin. Sebum is important for keeping the skin healthy. However, too much sebum can lead to oily skin, clogged pores, and acne that’s.oily skinned people have very active sebaceous glands which secrets too much of this sebum.

1)excessive shine: It’s very common to have skin with excessive shine for people with oily skin as a result you’ve to carry several sheets of blotting paper to combat the shine and oil blotches.

2)clogged pores and comedones:Most common issue of oily skin is that it is much more vulnerable to have clogged pores,oil plugs and comedones. 2 types of comedones i.e blackheads and whiteheads can develop overtime.

Comedones form when excess oil and dead skin cells block the oil-producing glands in the skin.when the blocked pores develop openings and is exposed to air it turns black and brown with time and that’s what we know as blackheads whereas blocked pores with no visible openings which seems like wheatish or colourless bumps are whiteheads.

3)Acne: acne vulgaris can occur at any time or age but people with oily skin are generally prone to acne which occurs when pores with excess oil,dirt and dead skin cells gets invaded by bacteria and forms a bump as a result.Acnes are of different types and grades according to their severity.pustules,papules and cysts are all acne forms.oily skin may get occasional or persistent pimples and acnes.

4) Dull skin:Excess oil makes the skin and complexion look dull and tired and during summers it’s even more common to get dull complexion as because we sweat more and get tanned because of scorching sun.

5)Enlarged pores:With increased secretion of oil and sebum our pores can become enlarged and during summers this is more likely to happen.I mean who likes to have big,visible enlarged pores?

Possible causes of oily skin:-

1) weather,climate and season: it’s obvious to have oily skin in hot and humid climate of summer seasons which affects the oil production levels,similarly dry weather is accompanied by dry skin.

It’s required to use mild gel based cleansers and moisturizers and prevent heavy lotions and creams which can further clog pores and make the skin more oily.

2)Genetics:Genetics play an important role in determining your skin type.People can have oily skin because either or both of their parents have it .some people are born with having oily skin.

3)Dehydration:It sounds strange that if your skin is dehydrated and dry the skin becomes even more oily because of more oil secreted in order to compensate and bring back the skin state to normal.sometimes incorporating new skincare product can also cause dehydration or overcleansing is equally responsible for causing oily skin.In summers it’s more likely to feel dehydrated.

Other reasons responsible for causing oily skin which are independent of season or climatic factors includes induced stress levels,hitting the age of puberty,food habits and poor lifestyle etc.

The above listed are some possible causes of having oily skin but some other causes which are underlying can be serious and should be diagnosed clinically and comsulting a dermatologist is must in case of severity of skin issue.

Whatever may be the cause of having oily skin it’s necessary to treat it right and take care of skin prior to developing major skin issue.Some necessary steps  we can incorporate in order to take care and pamper our oily skin during summers at home.

1)Staying hydrated:As cliche it may sound but it’s true to stay hydrated throughout the day to get that healthy glow.Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.Staying hydrated is not just only drinking water it is lot more about gulping elixir juices rich in vitamin c like orange juice,green juices like cucumber and spinach are also good for skin’s health abd making it fresh and glowy in summers.

2)wearing SPF: No matter what kind of climate it is outside spf is mandatory.Spf is like your summer best friend that you need to carry along wherever you go and reapply it every 2 hrs .In summers to avoid the sun tan,sun damage because of uv rays it becomes much more important to apply spf 30 or 40 atleast.

3)cleansing face daily: washing face atleast twice a day us capable of keeping the dirt out of your pores and excess oil which cause bumps, acne,oil plugs and comedones.Try using gel based mild cleanser to wash your face.

4)Eating right:Try balancing your eating habits i.e not taking too much of anything like sugarry food,oily snacks etc.you don’t have to cut it all but just need to balance the intake of such foods which infers with oil production levels.Eat fruits and vegetables which are superfoods for your delicate skin.Probiotics like curd is also helpful to get good skin health.

5)Stress combating activities:Try to stress less over small problems and do what you actually like as such singing,going out,hangout with friends etc.Some yoga and meditation is also good for your mental well being.Stress is one of the most common factor in causing skin isuues according to experts and dermatologists worldwide.

7)Moisturizing and exfoliation: mousturising  skin is imp even if it’s oily .Most people ignore moisturizers if they have oily skin thinking that they don’t need one.In reality what happens as a result of skipping moisturizer is the rebound effect that is skin becomes more oily,so it is important to apply light gel based moisturizer.exfoliation that is removal of top layer of dead skill cells to reveal new skin is imp to get good glowing skin and remove dirt which can clog pores and lead to acne.

6)Having a skincare regimen built for only you!: A skincare regimen doesn’t mean to have loads of expensive products but it is about simple and effective products that works you.

Here are some flagship products from melmaa for all those oily skin beauties who are confused about effective products to add that work in their skincare regimen .

rose-water by melmaa is one of the best astringent for reducing the look of enlarged pores and making yiur skin loof fresh.spray it directly to your face and neck to shrink those pores and to achieve healthy and tighter looking skin.Use it after cleanshing your face with mild face wash before applying your moisturizer for best results.

We all need to moisturize our skin by all means irrespective of what skin type we have.For oily skin gel based hydrating serums and moisturizers works well.Aloe vera gel by melmaa is designed to tackle the problem of dehydration without clogging the pores being antimicrobial and antibacterial it also helps to prevent pimples and acne.

face masks are essential for exfoliating the dead skin cells to reveal the new skin layer.This instant glow pack  by melmaa is efficient in providing instant glow as well as cleansing the skin deeply to prevent clogged pores as well as removes stubborn tan.Packed with all good natural ingredients it comes with no side effects.

Consistency speaks it all,for products to work you have to be consistent with your regimen and believe in it.

For more visit :https://www.melmaa.com/products