Get tired from dandruff in your hair and want to get rid of the dandruff and want silky and long smooth hairs .

What does on e understand with the term dandruff?

Dandruff is a common condition that causes the skin on the scalp to flake. It isn’t contagious or serious. But it can be embarrassing and difficult to treat.

Mild dandruff can be treated with a gentle daily shampoo. If that doesn’t work, a medicated shampoo may help. Symptoms may return later.dandruff  cause due to Dry skin. A yeastlike fungus (malassezia) that feeds on oils on the scalps of most adults. Sensitivity to hair care products (contact dermatitis) Other skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema.


There are several types of dandruff each with a unnique cause . Some types can be treated easily with change in the hair care or home remedies . Other types of dandruff requires some medications.

The types of dandruff are:


This is the common type of dandruff .it tend to happen more often the winter season as cold weather and indoor heating can dry out your skin including skin on your scalp.

A scalp that is too dry and can become irritated and shed skin cells . Dry sin dandruff flakes are small and white . You may feel itchy but not excessively so. If the itchiness becomes severe, you may have a more serious skin condition that requires a medical professional’s care.

To help prevent dry skin dandruff, use a moisturizing can also try some home remedies like oil massage etc.


Just below the surface of the skin are gland that produce sebum an oily substance that help moisturise and protect your skin . When these sebaceous gland  produce to much sebum it can make hair oily .oily skin dandruff flakes tend to be more larger than the dry skin one . The flakes my look more yellow than white may appear oiler too.

Seborrehric dermatitis is more serve from oily skin dandruff . Shampoo regularly and using dandruff shampoo with salicylic acid can help to cure it out.


A type of fungus called malassezia is found on the skin of ecvery human being . In some people it can trigger an inflammatory response that produces dandruff or other conditions such as eczema . Using a shampoo with Malassezia-inhibiting ingredients, such as zinc pyrithione  may help treat fungus-related dandruff. Applying diluted tea tree oil or a shampoo containing tea tree oil may also help reduce fungus-related dandruff.


Some common skin condition including psoriasis, eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis, can affect your scalp and cause dandruff. Neutrogena T / gel and shampoo is designed to treat such kind of dandruff , seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp and scalp psoriasis.

Other tips to get rid of dandruff at home


A proper diet can help you have healthy hair and scalp . Most importantly it will safeguard you from the range of dandruff and various other infection in hairs.


A rough weather or the various kinds of pollutants are the famous factors that keep you from having clean hair thus leading to dandruff. As soon as u step inside make sure we should shield your hair from the sun and the dangerous pollutants wear a cap , scarf or anything you find suitable for u . Also do not forget t dry your hair after excersing . If it is too much sweats get collected in your hair the problem will become worse.


It’s an interesting fact that we remain hygienic to certain things and unhygienic to some, don’t we? For example, we never forget to brush our teeth in the morning right after we wake up but when it comes to basic hair-hygiene, we tend to shy away.

However, to avoid dandruff, it is extremely important and mandatory to maintain this hygiene.All you have to do is wash your hair brushes and pillow covers thoroughly, and promise to yourself that you won’t share these items with others, no matter how close they are to you. Dandruff doesn’t know your bond, right?


Believe it or not, shampooing regularly can help you bring positive results for your hair and dodge the problem of dandruff. It can clean the dirt and oil from your scalp thus reducing oil buildup. And when you do shampoo your hair, try the Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo for better results. Choose from our wide range of variants like aloe vera, lemon etc. and stop thinking about how to remove dandruff.


Looking for natural remedy to fight dandruff ? The alovera ingredient is all we need . Although it is used for various other treatments it is a perfect choice if u are thinking how to get rid of dandruff . According to many studies , alovera have the power to defeat seborrheic dermatitis which is a skin condition that is responsible for the cause of dandruff. Apart from that, it’s a natural moisturizer that makes your hair as smooth as a feather. You can apply it directly onto your scalp to help cool it down and its natural anti-microbial properties help get rid of any excess oil. You can also use it as a hair mask or drink it. Some shampoos like the supreme shampoo also incorporate Aloe vera for dandruff relief.


All set to make a mouth-watering lemonade? While you make one, save some lemons for your hair too. Lemon, the citric fruit containing vitamin C is a very good choice if you are wondering how to get rid of dandruff. The vitamin C that’s present in the lemon is enough to give you some peace of mind. It helps you get rid of oily & itchy scalp and dandruff. Hold on, that’s not it! It also plays a major role in making your hair strong and healthy.


Using essential oils like Argan oil, can boost the health of your scalp. These are generally rich in Vitamin E and can prevent your head from overheating as well. They bring anti-inflammatory properties and create a protective layer on your scalp. Massage it deep into your scalp to increase the blood circulation. You could add a couple drops to your shampoo before you apply it to your hair. But use small amounts as the opposite can lead to an oil buildup on your scalp, and then more dandruff.

You are doing everything right and still you can not heal . Then check this post .it may be some help to you.


 Our Melmaa Dandruff oil is the best ever treatment oil for Dandruff that works hard to control dandruff and revitalizes hair. It nourishes the scalp and keeps the scalp healthy. It is infused with the goodness of rosemary and tea tree oil. These help to condition the dry scalp, nourish the roots. They help to revitalize and stimulate the scalp, reduce irritation and itchiness, and keep dandruff in check. Prevents clogging of sweat pores.

How to Use:

Apply our Melmaa Anti Dandruff Oil on the scalp, leave it for 30 minutes, and then use our anti-dandruff pack.

Use twice a week for better results.



Our Anti-Dandruff Pack works on the roots to remove dandruff, strengthen your hair, reduce hair fall, and promote overall hair and scalp health. It cools the scalp, thereby reducing itch and irritation that occurs due to dandruff.

 How to use :

Take the required amount of our Melmaa Anti Dandruff Pack and mix it with the required amount of  fresh rice soup or rice water and keep it aside for 30 minutes. Apply pack to Scalp and Hair. Gently massage with your fingertips inward for 3-5 minutes and leave it on for 30 minutes and wash it thoroughly.

 Use every 7-10days ones (if heavy Dandruff use twice a week).

Our company also provides a anti dandruff combo which consist of anti dandruff pack and oil at a suitable price.

Respecting our core values all the products are cruelty free they are in the purest form and has ecofriendly packaging . Hand crafted with love .

For more details visit