Acne is a very common issue 90% population is facing these days. Mostly occurring to a specific age group, i.e., 12 to 28 years of age. Let’s take a look at Why acne occurs? What are its symptoms? &, How one can cure this?


Acne Caused by The Blockage of Hair Follicles:

There are tiny glands near the surface of the skin, i.e., Sebaceous Glands. These glands are attached to the small holes called hair follicles in the skin from which hair grows. These glands help lubricate the hair and skin which as a result stops the skin from drying out. They produce an oily substance called Sebum.

Acne occurs when these glands start producing too much sebum. Subsequently, when this sebum gets mixed with dead skin cells and dirt blocks the follicle.

When the blocked follicle is closer to the surface of the skin, creates a whitehead whereas alternatively, when the blocked follicle is open to the skin, creates a blackhead.

As we all are well aware that we are open to lots of harmful and harmless bacteria but when such things happen to the skin they can contaminate, causing pustules, papules, nodules, or cysts.

Acne Caused by Over Secretion of Testosterone:

The major factor responsible for Teenage Acne is increased levels of Testosterone hormone which occurs during puberty. This hormone is important for growth stimulation and development of the penis and testicles in boys, and muscle maintenance and bone strength in girls.

The above-mentioned Sebaceous Glands are sensitive to hormones. Because of the increased level of testosterone glands produce much more sebum the required.


Acne Caused by Hereditary:

Acne runs in families too sometimes. You’ll develop acne if your parents had it.

Many studies showed that you are more likely to develop severe acne at an early age if your parents had it too.

Acne in Females:

It is observed that a female is more likely to have adult acne than a male. Adult acne is mainly caused by changes in hormone levels that females have several times.

These times consist:

  • PERIODS: Some women have a sudden flare-up of acne just before their periods.
  • POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME: This is a common condition that can cause weight gain, and acne and can form small cysts inside the ovary.
  • PREGNANCY: During the first 3 months of pregnancy, some women have symptoms of acne.

Some Other Possible Causes of Acne:

  • Some cosmetic products can cause acne but most products are now well-tested so there are fewer chances of spots after acne.
  • Some medicines such as lithium, and steroid medicines, and some drugs mainly used to treat epilepsy can cause acne.
  • Smoking can cause acne in elderly people.
  • Regular wearing of a hand band or a backpack that places pressure on an affected area of skin can cause acne.

Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments:

Before going for any medical treatment, one should try non-pharmaceutical treatments.

  • You’ll be recommended to have photodynamic therapy. In this process, light is applied to the skin in an attempt to cure acne.
  • A small pen-shaped instrument “Cemedone Extractor” is used to clean blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Another process is Chemical Peels where a solution is applied to the face which when peeled off from the skin removes the dead skin with it leaving a new skin.


Tropical Treatments: Gels, creams, and lotions.

WARNING: Before using any of the below-mentioned gels or creams one must visit a skin specialist if facing unpreventable skin issues. The list is provided only for your convenience and reference.

Benzoyl Peroxide This works as an antiseptic, and helps reduce the number of bacteria on the surface of the skin. It reduces whiteheads and blackheads and also prevents inflammations. It is available as cream as well as gel.

Some side effects:

  • Dry and tense skin
  • Burning, itching, or stinging sensation
  • Redness or peeling of skin

Topical RetinoidsThese help remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, as a result preventing hair follicle blockage. Tretinoin and adapalene are topical retinoids mainly used for acne treatment. It is available as cream as well as gel.

Some side effects:

  • Not suitable during pregnancy
  • Mild irritation and stinging of the skin

Topical AntibioticsThis help kill the bacteria on the skin that are responsible for hair follicle blockage. Available as a gel as well as cream.

Some side effects:

  • Minor irritation of the skin
  • Redness and burning of the skin
  • Peeling of the skin

Azelaic Acid: Used as an alternative treatment for acne if the side effect of any of the above-mentioned ointments becomes irritation or painful.


This skin issue is one of the most poorly understood of all, although it is the most common skin condition. There are lots of myths and misconceptions about it. Here’s a glimpse:

  1. “Poor Diet Cause Acne”

There is no research yet which found any food causing acne. Just maintain a balanced diet cause’ it’s good for your health in general.

  1. “Having Dirty Skin and Poor Hygiene Cause Acne”

It is very clear that acne occurs under the skin instead of the surface, so the cleanliness of the surface of your skin does not affect your acne. To aggravate your skin you can wash your skin once or twice a day in general.

  1. “If You Want to Get Rid of Acne, Squeeze Blackheads, Whiteheads, and Spots”

Instead of getting rid of acne, you’ll develop scarring on your skin and many worse symptoms.

  1. “Acne Increases with Sexual Activity”

Doing masturbation or having sex does not affect worsening or benefitting your acne.

  1. “Acne Can Be Infectious”

You can’t either pass acne to others or get infected from others(s) acne.


Summing Up:

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way…!!”

-Well said. If you want to cure your acne you can cure it and you will cure it but only when you are willing to.

Acne is a big issue among youngsters and causes them mental stress because of their looks which leads them to depression sometimes. Understandable so far but not a permanent thing anymore. If you are going through any type of acne issues feel free to visit

Here you can find solutions for all your skin-related issues, they are providing completely herbal products, completely chemicals free. Say no to any further skin issues. Be free from skin worries, and be beautiful.