Are you one of them who seeks for consistent facials and glow spas for maintaining that never fading glow,radiance and healthy skin?

Generally People visit parlour and spas for facials and other skin treatments which may sound like a easy go to option,but not to ignore that it can cost quite a big buck for getting those recurring appointments.Besides,for those women who are working professionals may find it hard to take out time for spas and facials.Treatments and facials may sound appealing for quick fixes and instant glow to attend events and functions but not to ignore the fact that every such facial comes with its weak points to cause skin issues that can turn into skin woes in long run.Traditional facials include lotioning,steaming,exfoliating and masking as its core steps.These steps are claimed to be working as wonders for some while on the flipside becoming the cause of major skin issue.

Possible unwanted post-facial results include:-

1.Redness and irritation: Redness is the most common reaction to facials by our skin.The consecutive steps of facials include steaming,use of chemicals based skin creams and lotions which may be unknown and new to our skin which can be sensitizing to our skin and as a result we face irritation and redness.In some cases one can develop severe rosacea or dermatitis.Other allergic reactions might happen as rebound effects of the should avoid any complicated skincare products like serums or potent creams and also doing any other treatment throughout the recovery period.

2.Breakoutsskin inflammation and acne are other possible issue which might be caused by facials.We know that when all the dirt and dead skin cells gets mixed with bacteria causes comedones,pustules or other type of acnes of different grades.One thing about getting done facials in parlours is that our skin gets exposed to bacteria if hygiene is not maintained.We don’t know that the aesthetecian or beautician has sterilized the tools or not at that moment.Acne issues and breakouts can occur instantly after one night or maybe seen after few days of prolonged treatment.Those who suffer from consistent acne and breakouts issues must consider visiting a skin doctor.


 3.Scarring: sudden facial treatments and different methods like extractions or thorough use of hand movements massaging can cause trauma to your skin specially if your skin is sensitive if not done properly or the aesthetician is not properly skilled in performing treatments.Extractions leads to bleeding and cause post inflammatory scars and spots which can take longer time to heal and treat.

4.Dryness: sometimes treatments and facials do the opposite of what they are suppose to do like causing dryness instead of moisturizing.Also dry skin types are mostly prone to sensitiveness.Dryness can lead to rough and textured skin further.

All of these post- facial issues are most common and is faced by majority of women according to data and research of professionals and dermatologists.It’s better to aim for long lasting trusted skincare regimen than short term and skeptical facials which are mostly expensive.Also there is no strong research data studies that suggests about prominent and major effects of facials and treatments for improving skin’s health,Mostly its effects are confined to short term glow,moisturization and cleansing.

Therefore,it becomes important for us to opt for systemized and constructive process to get radiant skin.First step is to  understand our skin type which is the core step to achieve ever glowing and healthy skin.whether your skin is acne prone,oily ,sensitive,dry or combination type.


Know that every skin type is unique and different in its own way,texture,health and problems.It becomes clear to our knowledge that specific skin facials or treatments will act differently on different skin types and people,what works for your friend,mother or sister may not work for you.Next time when someone recommends you parlour saying that it’s the best and works for them,don’t choose the same rather consider visiting a skin professional or doctor who can guide you by educating and examining your concerned skin issues before opting for any such spas or facials.

Other reason for opting these facials and spas maybe pre-pridal skin polishing treatment for brides.If you are soon to become a pride then it’s common for you to seek constant facials to enhance skin radiance glow,ofcourse we all want to flaunt and stand out from the crowd in our wedding day!However going for some timed consistent skincare with promising results.Usually these timed polishing treatment which starts before 3 or 2 months consist of diys or chemical based treatments which we usually get done at parlours and spas.

DIYs are good way to start but for seeing results out of them takes much longer time and also we don’t have the gurantee of results because of the percentage of ingredient to make a change,on the other hand chemical based facials which make use of creams,lotions are well formulated but still heavily potent to cause sensitivities and irritation.

What can we actually do then?

Well,For this issue  one should go for products which are properly formulated and made with least possible no of chemicals,we can’t totally avoid chemicals in our skin care as some chemicals are used for preserving and for forming the texture,these are safe and tested.

Melmaa offers a complete skin polishing treatment with natural star ingredients.

Melmaa’s skin polishinig kit works like an 1 step treatment for enhancing radiance and guaranteed glow with consistent use because of its formulation and strong effectiveness of all natural ingredients which makes it suitable for almost all skin types.No mattter if you are a Bride to be,working professional,school or college going student,there is no such age bar to use the combo.(*Note: For using it as a pre bridal treatment start using it before 3 or 4 months of marriage).This can save your precious time as well as quite a thousand bucks.The combo contains face mask,active drops and serum which are designed to increase skin brightness,radiance and targetting blemish reduction as well as acne issues etc.

The other step is maintaining a daily simple yet effective skincare regimen that works for you.sunscreen is your bestfriend,apply spf daily and reapply after every 2 hrs no matter what kind of weather is outside to increase effectiveness of other products you are using.If you follow these steps consistently you will see a radical change in your skin’s health after few days.

Every buck you spend in taking care of your skin is like investment,thus we should remember to make most out of it!