Our skin is the largest organ of our body which performs several functions such as creating a barrier between external environment and internal organs of our body,secretion of sweat through sweat glands which spreads out all across are body to cool down body’s temp on those hot summet days or when our body temperature rises from normal.Being said that our skin is the most visible part in our body,no doubt that a radiant bright skin makes you feel confident and also makes the first impression most remarkable after your beautiful smile!But Due to some reasons like exposure to pollution,effects of uv rays of sun,chronic illness,poor lifestyle anduse of wrong cosmetic products etc, our complexion may become dull and this can occur at any age or point of life.


To resolve the problem of dull skin,its causes and steps to get glowy skin back we first need to know what does bright skin actually means!Bright skin is healthy, dewy looking and fresh.Bright skin is attractive and catches our attention.
Various causes of dull skin:-

*1)sun exposure and uv rays:* the uv rays effects our skin in the most possible way.This leads to various problems like sun tan,blemishes,uneven skin tone ,pigmentation and dull complexion.

*2)Pollution and daily busy schedule:* our skin bears extreme conditions of heat,dust and pollution.what it does is the dust and particles altogether known as pollutants suspended in air can cause damage to the skin by inducing oxidative stress.

*3)Using products which does not suit our skin:* sometimes using additional or products with harsh irritating chemicals.It’s always recommended to patch test before direct application of products.Irritation,atopic dermatitis,dull dry skin are commonly caused by using harsh products.

*4) Not Having a skin care routine:* Consistency is the key to to get best results any activity is concerned.Same goes for skincare which is simple yet effective and works the best for your skin.Exfoliation which is a step in skincare is most effective to remove all those dead skin cells and dirt adsorbed in your skin.Exfoliating regularly will help to reveal new brighter looking skin .Both physical scrubs as well as chemical scrubs are available in the market which you can choose according to your skin type.

*5)Poor lifestyle and stress* :There are some lifestyle activities which directly effects our skin.Eating habits,sleeping patterns,physical activities we engage in etc.The first being eating habits which is the most important,whatever goes into your gut reflects onto your skin.Having a healthy meal doesn’t meanto totally cut down your favourite pizza,it just means to have a balance between eating good and eating according to your taste.Staying hydrated is the most effective way to bring that flushy glow.Now it isn’t confined to only drinking water but instead drinking some good elixir juices and liquids like orange juice (source of vitamin c),beetroot juice (powerful antioxidant).
Reducing stress helps the most which can be done through meditation and yoga.
Correcting your sleeping pattern is one of the most important things when it comes to lifestyle.According to various researches and studies it has been found that distorted sleeping schedule directly effects your skin causing blemishes like acne,dullness,dark circles and eye bags.

*6)oral medications* :If you are put on medication for treatment of some kind of ailment then it may be possible that the side effects of taking those medicines may include dry and dull skin.

*7)Acne and blemishes:* the post inflammatory marks and hyperpigmentation after acne gets healed,As a pimple heals, our body sometimes produces cells with too much melanin in them to replace the damaged skin which results in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which we sometimes call dark spots.These marks can eventually lead to make your skin dull and uneven .
The best treatment is to just not pick at your acne spots and to take preventive measures that includes treating these ahead of time.

*8)Not moisturizing enough:* Moisturizing is the key to get flawless and healthier looking skin. A good Moisturizer is necessary to provide your skin with necessary hydration to prevent dryness and rough textured skin.Regardless of skin type it is mandatory to have a moisturizer that suits your skin type.
Generally people with *oily skin* are recommended to use light gel based or water based moisturizers while those with *dry skin* type are suggested to use cream based thick moisturizers,look for ingredients like ceramides,
And oats which are even good for people with sensitive dry skin.
*Normal to combination skin type* : these people can use any type of moisturizer. If our skin is normal but on dry side, we must use a thicker, cream moisturizer. If your skin is normal but on the oily side, a gel or gel cream/water cream might be best.
People with *acne prone sensitive skin* must use ones with labelled as non-comedogenic that it will not clog pores and cause acne flares and comedones.

*9)Dull skin with the onset of ageing* : The process of aging affects the skin’s natural production of the lipids that help keep your skin hydrated and soft. these factors—combined with the effects of chronic sun exposure and other external factors can result in dull, uneven-looking skin.
*The best way* to reverse signs of ageing is to take precautionary measures that includes starting your aging skincare routine in early 20s with including products that are specifically designed for your problems rather than just picking one randomly.

Again,All of the causes are possible reasons for sudden appearance of dull complexion.Though it’s always recommended to visit your dermatologist to know the clear and root cause for skin problems.
But for most of the causes discussed above which cause dull skin are long lived i.e are developed after long span of time. Negligence can worsen the issues hence,maintenance is important when caring for your delicate skin which again calls for a simple,effective daily skin care routine.A 13 step skincare routine sounds lucrative but not for those beauties with busy life schedule,so you may want to look out for something which works as 1 solution to your most of the skin issues,Rooting to this idea Melmaa offers a 1 step cure to dull and sad skin!


Melmaa’s natural brightening night cream is what we all we need for treating our skin after a long busy day.This cream is formulated with 100% organic ingredients which helps your skin to rejuvenate and revamp your skin health overnight while you are having your beauty sleep.It contains manjistha,mulethi(licorice) and mulberry extract ,all three ingredients are heroes in treating discoloration and naturally brightening skin.Vitamin e which moisturizes your skin,Niacinamide(vitamin B3) which is like an all rounder star ingredient used for treating almost all skin problems like pigmentation,weak barrier,acne and dark spots. The other star ingredient is vitamin c,we all are well acquainted with the power of vitamin c when it comes to improving skin radiance and complexion.

Use on damp face after washing your face at night with mild cleanser to maximize the effects with consistency!Consistent use will make your skin look brighter,smoother and healthy with time.

To know more visit /https://www.melmaa.com/