Our skin is the most visible organ of body.It is both functionally and aesthetically important.

The main function as we know is to act like a protective layer and barrier against all the external agents and factors be it dust particles,harsh climate etc.Besides,it also produces natural oils which keeps our skin hydrated.our skin regulates our temperature as well.

We all are aware about these functions discussed above.The other aspect of skin is its aesthetic function i.e smooth,glowing and radiant skin comes with a feel good factor with it.when people feel good or are in good emotional state it shows outside i.e specifically in our skin.There is a direct relation between person’s well being state and health of skin.Some studies have even proved that when we groom ourselves,put our time and energy to take care of ourselves,it can absolutely make us happier and calmer.

“A skin-care routine can absolutely make you calmer and happier”says traube.

It is not new to our knowledge that taking good care of your skin is a form of self-care.One needs to be consistent in any form if selfcare jorney.One thing that is most important and worth praising about skincare in this is that it might also reduce obsession with looks in people who are very mucg concerned about their appearance.When you know that you are doing something,steadily and that too for yourself that is you are making yourself the focal point and eventually becoming less concerned about others or Simply put,you will feel more confident.

Thus, our skin being the most important organ both functionally and aesthetically deserves the best love and care!we all come across thousands of ads featuring celebrities with glowy,smooth and radiant skin and wonder how beautiful the skin looks and maybe sometimes we also desire to have such flawless skin.Glowy,smooth and radiant skin looks amazing and attractive,we all want to have it.Well,it’s amazing to know that achieving rafiant skin is not that hard,you just need to take care of your delicate skin in a right way and choose the best to pamper it.

Our skin is like investment and the better you choose,you’ll get most out of your investment.Ask anyone about steps for taking care of skin and the most common answer will be cleansing or keeping it clean.This is correct but not complete.A good skincare will consit of 3 most important step i.e cleansing,exfoliating and hydrating.For both body and face we need to follow these 3 steps to maintain a good skin health.

We all cleanse our skin and bathe everyday in order to ensure that our skin is free from any dirt impurities and dead skin cells and similarly for face we use face washes.we use body wash or soap for doing so,however these soaps and washes can do more harm than good in long run.These soaps are basically alkaline with ph around 9-10.Our skin’s ph is around 4.7 to 5.75.Hence,these highly basic soaps available in market can damage our protective layer of skin by distrupting the acid mantle of skin.Dryness can eventually to more sebum secretion which is the major cause of acnea and flare ups.

Cons of using soap on skin:-

•Distrups acid mantle of skin barrier.

•causes dryness

• can cause inflammatin,irritation or acne specially in sensitive skin people.

There are some bodywashes,showergels and soaps available which are ph balanced and formulated well but are too expensive.Also this doesn’t change the fact that these are chemically loaded which might not suit every skin type.Hence,always do a patch test before trying out any new product.The assured quality comes with weighted expense on your shoulder.

You’ll feel good  to know that soaps and washes don’t do much for your skin except cleansing.we need an alternative of soaps and body washes.

what can we opt instead of soap?

We need a substitute which can effectively perform its function without messing up with our protective skin barrier.

Bath powders are best alternative made up of mixture of dried organic and natural ingredients grinded into fine powder to aid application.

Melmaa’s bath powder is formulated with  natural ingredients which are proven to be effective in improving skin’s health overtime.This cleanses and exfoliates skin well thus it is a 2 in 1 product!



Enriched with wild turmeric,orange peels,rose petals,rice and sandalwood which all together helps to enhance skin’s glow and radiance.It also helps in brightening the skin with consistent use.The best part is that it can be used by any age group and those with even sensitive skin.This can be applied both on face and body.

To shop:https://www.melmaa.com/product/bath-powder

The next step after cleansing and exfoliation is hydration that comes with moisturizing your skin daily.Even people with oily skin need to moisturize their skin by choosing the one moisturizer that suits their skin.

You need to know your skin type before choosing a moisturizer for your skin.Hydrating your skin is most important if you want to have dewy and glowy skin.Look for ingreduents like ceramides if you have dry skin and for oily skin,gel based moisturizers are well suited.Use body lotion with shea butter or oatmeal for moisturizing your body.

The last step which stands out alone is sunscreen. Spf is your bestfriend which you should wear everyday it ensures your skin is protected from harmful uv rays which cause various skin ailments.spf also increases the efficacy of your skin care routine.Thus,always remember to apply suncreen no matter what weather it is outside.For body always use body lotion with spf 30 atleast uf you’re going out in the day.

For holistic care and pampering of healthy skin we must not forget to consider internal care i.e considering your gut first.yes,your diet.Healthy eating is not aboht cutting down your favourite pizza from diet,it is more about balancing your diet.Redude sugar intake as much as possible cause studies have shown sugar intake is the reason behind most of the skin woes like ageing,acne and inflammation.Add green vegetables,fruits and essential foods with nutrients and vitamins.Baseline is that you don’t need a strict dietplan but a balanced diet instead.The most clìche but important step is drinking water.yes,drinking water can help to purify from within which further shows outside;our skin.

Besides,other lifestyle habits such as watching your sleep schedule,inculcating daily exercise routine,stress levels all are equally important to maintain your skin’s health.