Between the age of 12 years to 27 years, 90 out of 100 people faces pimple or acne problem between this age. Want to Know WHY? HOW TO REDUCE?

• Why is this Happening?

There are many different parameters. Maybe it’s the cause of increasing pollution, hormonal imbalance, high intake of junk food, and so on. If we take up any other company, if you apply any of their recommended Pimple gel or lotions on your face of course the acne or Pimple will be reduced but after a week or 15 days, the Pimples and acne reappear because all these products work on the outer layer of your skin.


In general, we have three layered skin,i.e., epidermis, dermis, and hypodermics. Commonly Pimples occur in the second layer of our skin. For an instance, If there are 5 visible Pimples on the outer layer of your skin but inside of that outer layer, there will be approximately 20-25 infections that will subsequently be converted into pimples and acne in time. Pimple or acne starts growing at least 20-21 days before they reach the outer layer or start becoming visible. This process is a continuous cycle. New outbreaks and past out bursting, it goes on.

In melmaa, we are providing a solution for this continuous cyclic problem. A complete treatment for your Pimples and acne. Let’s see how!

Melmaa’s Pimple Acne Treatment Pack helps provide your skin with an inner treatment. This treatment starts removing the infection from the layers inside the skin. After using Melmaa Pimple and Acne Treatment Pack for 6-10 days we will get more Pimples and acne on the outer skin because all of the infections residing inside the skin will be coming out from the skin so that the inner layer will not be getting any more infections and the outer layer will remain free from random outbreaks.
In case you become conscious about why are there more and more Pimples and acne occurring after using the Melmaa Pimple and Acne Treatment Pack, let us make you very sure that the Pack is working completely. It is cleaning your skin inside out.

We have another product that goes well with this Melma Pimple and Acne Treatment Pack, Alovera Pimple Gel. It product is to be used right after the use of the Pimple and Acne Treatment Pack. This gel clears the Pimples remaining on the outer skin.
The Pimple and Ance Treatment Pack cleans the skin from the inside and the Alovera Pimple Gel cleanses the skin from the outside. These both products are a complete and permanent treatment for Pimple and Acne problems.

How to use the Melma Pimple and Acne Treatment Pack?
– Take a sufficient amount of Melma Pimple and Acne Pack using the spoon provided.
– Mix it well with the Melma Rose Water until it reaches the consistency of a face Pack.
– Apply it directly to your skin and leave it still for at least 20-25 minutes.
– Rinse your face properly.

A combo For Pimple and acne

How to use the Melma Alovera Pimple Gel?
– Before going to bed and early after waking up, you can apply this product.
– Clean your face using the Melma Rose Water before applying the Pimple Gel.
– Take a sufficient amount of the Gel and apply it directly to your skin.
– No need to rinse off the Gel, whenever you wash your face it will rinse off itself.
– Leave the Get on the skin for at least 6-8 hours for best results.

This is the easiest treatment you can go for to treat your Pimple and Acne problems.

How long should you use this treatment?
Based on your problem.
– If you are having so many pimples and acne on your skin you can keep up with this treatment continuously for approximately 20-30 days.
– If you have only a few outbreaks, it will take merely a week or 15 days to cure your skin.

Once your skin is Pimple free and there are no more outbreaks, we can guarantee you that you will not have any more Pimple or Ance issues for at least 3-5 months straight. Our product is cleaning your skin from the inside out, this is good enough to assure you that you will be free from skin issues for as long as 5 months maximum.

Our products are completely herbal, these are completely chemicals free. visit